
關於好好聽星球 |About Good Listening Planet (GLP)
長期分享海內外Underground Hip Hop、Jazz Breaks、Soul、Funk、Jazz、Dance Music和獨立音樂的音樂部落格。但其實除了最喜愛的Hip Hop以及各種範疇的黑人音樂以外, 好好聽星球喜歡的還有舞曲還有搖滾樂, 還有鼓打貝斯和其他的很多很多。 所以她堅信好好聽音樂其實永遠都來不及寫完, 也來不及聽完。


Good Listening Planet (GLP) is a blog, website to share and introduce all good music and informations includes Underground Hip Hop, Jazz Breaks, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Dance Music and Indie Rock since 2006, organized by Hana Lin. GLP believes that all of the Good Listening Music should be found, be heard and be shared. So the best way we can try to keep music alive is:

Keep listening, sharing, and DON'T STOP THE MUSIC !

關於好好聽星球計畫 | About GLP Event 
從2010年10月起舉辦的好好聽星球計劃,至今已在台北市的各個角落中舉辦超過10場以上活動。音樂類型涵蓋Hip Hop、Soul、Funk、爵士、舞曲及實驗電子等,透過來自海外及本土,所有優秀和對音樂充滿想法和熱情的DJ、演出者和參與者,至今除小型派對外,曾邀請過的海外藝人包括DJ Kenta(ZZ Production)、Bop Alloy (Substantial+Marcus D)、Shing02+DJ A-1、Kero One+Esna。

Since Oct. 2010, GLP has held over 10 gigs in every corner of Taipei City. GLP has provided large numbers of passionate and talented DJ and performers all over the world who undertake diverse genres, which include Hip-Hop, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Eletronica, Experimental, and Dance music. Aside from the small scale gigs, GLP has also associated with artiest from overseas, along with DJ Kenta (ZZ Production), Bop Alloy (Substantial+Marcus D), Shing02+DJ A-1, and the Jazzy Hip Hop legend Kero One w/ vocalist Esna to performance in Taiwan.


The message GLP want to share with all the music lovers from all events is :

「No matter how the DJs or Artists just rock the stage, We can shake our bodies in the dance floor, and listen all of the Good Listening Music TOGETHER is the most wonderful experience in GLP event !!! 」

